16:08 Rzhev - a city of spiritual rebirth. | |
Rzhev - a city of spiritual rebirth.
For information. The following article was published on 21 February 2007 in one of the city newspapers Rzhev - now a city of military glory. This is a high rank was conferred Rzhev October 8, 2007, that is, seven months after publication. Decision to award the title was decided after years of disputes in the highest positions of power of the state.But the question in the article is about something else. Having lived in Rzhev seven years, I was surprised to find that rzhevityane, for the most part, compares favorably to the population of other suburban cities and towns. No, apparently it can not be expressed. On the contrary, at first you might think that here, judging by the debris in the streets, people live that are not entirely at odds with the culture and spirituality. So it seems not only visitors, but (udivitelno!) and the townspeople, especially the young. After all, they have not yet acquired the ability to penetrate the spiritual vision to higher layers egregor city, and therefore tend to leave it at the chance. True, a few years of life in other cities and towns, they begin to vaguely understand that we have done something wrong in my life that new environment than they are not satisfied, but at home, that is, in Rzhev is still better. And many come back ... In a strange way, Rzhev bypassed muddy wave of sectarianism and psevdoduhovnosti that shook Moscow, and then all of Russia in the early 90-ies. As if some higher power cherished chastity city for a special mission in the future, waiting shlynet dirty foam. Would never want to let local church lords themselves ascribe credit for this fact! Indeed, the higher layers of the city because egregor and preserved, that the majority of Rzhev was (and is) Church neveruschimi. Somewhere on the level of super people understood that the present church obryadoverie no longer has anything to do with the true teachings of Christ. At that time, both Moscow and its environs, champing with pleasure, quenches spiritual hunger bromatoxism greedy false teachers and clergymen, Rzhev remained impregnable and immaculate. Why did a higher power (more precisely, the planetary Hierarchy of Light), so guarding our city? This phenomenon has an explanation. I recall that in its submission to the "It" "Do not touch the ashes of soldiers!" Dated July 20, 2005, the author informed readers that is the southernmost outpost of Rzhev special spiritual energy points - Valdai Shambhala. It is the key to the entire European part of Russia. It is because of its mystical significance and broke an unprecedented battle in WWII. It is clear that the planetary Hierarchy of Light pays her and, of course, Rzhev attention. Now, at the turn of the millennium, Rzhev survived from the onslaught of multiple carriers obscurantism, flooded the whole of Russia. But he remained as if spiritually devastated after the collapse of the so-called communism, and thus prepared as a sponge to absorb the higher energy. Moreover, the energy of those vibrations, which correspond to vibrations of his own egregor. It is this circumstance that explains the growing interest of many readers "were" to comprehend the meaning of life, the mysteries of life, philosophy, esoteric knowledge.After all, it was found that Egregore Rzhev in its upper strata is much cleaner, bigger and high-frequency than in many other cities in central Russia. In turn, this means that the majority of the population of our city - highly spiritual people, somehow hiding light of the soul beyond the outer equanimity. We think that this sort, yet unexplained by sociologists, a kind of human reaction to cruel, inhuman reforms, started the powers that be for their own selfish interests. People like to respond to pressure on them in the same coin, and the most precious and valuable - the soul - hidden deep in the bowels of their fine structures, where the dirty paws reformers can not reach ... In recent years, I managed to talk heart to heart with a lot of people representing a variety of social strata. Including those who are called asocial elements. Frankly, sometimes the inner essence of the homeless, or alcoholic, if it is possible to get at it, looks much more attractive than, for example, a pompous bureaucrat. And their judgments about the higher matter of maturity at times and accuracy are not inferior to the statements of famous philosophers. No, I do not know the powerful of his people! There is no doubt the fact that our city embarked on a path of spiritual growth after years of marking time and a specific hibernation. This is definitely the work of the planetary Hierarchy of Light, apparently believes that the time of awakening has come. External signs of this process, we do not see, but they certainly will not be apparent within two or three years. The main thing now is not to be passive. Here, too, want to warn overly active. The most common mistake of those who sincerely and ardently strives for spiritual perfection is their belief that it is worth just to know some hidden mystical secrets, and the goal will be achieved. They begin to indiscriminately tens of absorbing books on esoteric topics, join different clubs, schools and sects to engage in questionable practices. At best, such a disorderly psevdoduhovnaya life does not bring any results, at worst - lead to a psychiatric hospital. The fact that such behavior in the work involved only the mind, the mental body, which overload hypertrophied and blocks the energy channels in the higher bodies - causal, and budhialnomu atmanicheskomu. There comes a mental "indigestion", supposedly more is not anything good. For the harmonious spiritual growth requires a free flow of energy in all seven bodies of the organism, she manages to transform each of them at a higher vibration. And this takes a lot of time - many years, often - all of life ... The foregoing explains one curious fact. Most difficult to give a highly spiritual perfection in people, especially the narrow specialization in the exact sciences. Long-term habit of rational, strictly logical reasoning, leading to stagnation in the mental body, does not permit a person to operate higher in an abstract way, that is, to meditate. A meditation (focused imaginative thinking), as is known, is the main tool of spiritual practice in all religions. By the way, a prayer - a type of meditation. Is it because a science, as represented by their professors and academicians, so painstakingly takes the indisputable fact of the existence of God? At the same time, a world-renowned spiritual center of the world - Tibet, until recently inhabited almost totally illiterate monks ... What do rzhevityaninu, suddenly feel the need to understand the structure of the world and himself, to find out, finally, why does he live? First of all, he should realize that somewhere out there in the thin invisible worlds, there is someone watching over him with love and kindness. This is a bright, intelligent, highly spiritual being, billions of years ago, human evolution itself in the past, will do everything possible to help mature the soul get higher and purer. In his power so to form a causal plan (events) around a person that for him, as if by themselves, would come to the right knowledge in the form of books, TV shows, newspaper articles. There will be meetings with the right people .... We need only to trust his heavenly mentor (one of the servants of the Hierarchy of Light) and remember the adage of "Living Ethics": "preparing students - is ready and the Teacher." Valery Grishin, "BNR" on February 21, 2007 | |
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